The Dropt (Aquitaine river) and its mediæval patrimony  vers la version française / toward the French version (0.9 ko)

  The Dropt signpost (8.5 Ko) Welcome !  You are going to discover the Aquitaine river "le Dropt" ,
its valley,
Yesterday's Dropt : the adventure of its navigation (XIXth century), its part in History, the foundation of the "bastides" ("new towns" of the XIIIth century), the people and the region, a list of "Dropt valley" sites
 and a Photographic library of more than 50 views of the river.                      
                                                                                                                 (detail ot these  pages below)
    Tuesday , October 22nd
 page 1                            The Dropt basin
the Dropt
  The Dropt, an unrecognised river
 p 2   Yesterday's Dropt (XIXth century)
The Dropt seen from the sky
  The adventure of its navigation
 p 3  A century of History (XIIIth century))
"Occitanie" logo    
The Count of Toulouse, the kings of France and England, fight over the Dropt region.
 page 4        The valley of the "bastides"
"bastides" logo
The " bastides" - new towns - built along the Dropt in the second half of the XIIIth century.
 page 5                         The Dropt people
wine tasting
            The last peasants ?
 page 6                         The Dropt region 
"Green resort" logo
A secret region, but a good "old fashioned" region ...
   List of sites
   Map of the Dropt

   Photographic library
           logo valid HTML
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      Internet explorer 5.5
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              Site owner:
         Pierre Bouchillou

   Open since october 2001
      Last revised
may 2004